Speak Up 1 (with App):with Portfolio Script & Answer Key, A List

Speak Up 1 (with App):with Portfolio Script & Answer Key, A List
1. App integration: The Speak Up 1 textbook comes with a corresponding app that enhances the learning experience. Students can download the app on their mobile devices and access additional practice activities, audio recordings, and interactive learning tools.
2. Portfolio script: This edition of Speak Up 1 includes a portfolio script, which provides students with sample dialogues and conversations to practice speaking and build their confidence. The script covers various real-life scenarios and helps students develop their communication skills in a practical and engaging way.
3. Answer key: The textbook also comes with an answer key that allows students to self-assess their progress. Having access to the answer key helps students check their answers and understand any mistakes they may have made. This feature promotes independent learning and empowers students to take ownership of their language development.
4. A list vocabulary: Speak Up 1 includes an “A list” vocabulary section, which highlights essential words and phrases for students to learn and practice. These words are carefully selected to ensure they are relevant and useful in everyday conversations. The inclusion of the A list vocabulary helps students expand their vocabulary and become more proficient in expressing themselves verbally.
5. Comprehensive coverage: Speak Up 1 provides comprehensive coverage of the English language skills, including speaking, listening, reading, and writing. The textbook offers a well-rounded approach to language learning, ensuring that students develop a solid foundation in all aspects of English proficiency. The comprehensive coverage makes Speak Up 1 a valuable resource for both classroom instruction and self-study.

파고다토익 시험 직전 마무리 모의고사 3회분(봉투):D-3 990점 목표, 파고다북스

80-word READING 2 SB with App+WB 단어/듣기 노트, A List
쿠팡파트너스 활동으로 일정의 수수료를 받을 수 있습니다. 본문 내용은 상품과 직접적인 관계가 없을 수도 있습니다
초급 스페인어 1, 서울대학교출판문화원 국어/외국어/사전
2주 만에 끝내는 해커스 지텔프(G-TELP) 독해 Level 2:5·7급 공무원 회계사 노무사 감정평가사 세무사 대비 영어시험, 해커스어학연구소 국어/외국어/사전