120-word READING 2 SB with App+WB 단어/영작/듣기 노트:with Grammar & Reading Skills, A List

120-word READING 2 SB with App+WB 단어/영작/듣기 노트:with Grammar & Reading Skills, A List
1. SB with App: This reading resource is designed to be used in combination with an app, providing students with a more interactive and engaging learning experience. The app can offer additional practice exercises, audio recordings, and other multimedia features to enhance the reading comprehension process.
2. WB 단어/영작/듣기 노트: The workbook accompanying the reading material includes sections for vocabulary, writing, and listening notes. This allows students to actively engage with the text by actively taking note of important words, practicing their writing skills, and improving their listening comprehension through focused exercises.
3. Grammar & Reading Skills: The reading material focuses on developing both grammar and reading skills. By integrating grammar exercises within the context of the reading passages, students can improve not only their reading comprehension but also their understanding and application of grammar rules.
4. A List: The reading resource includes a list of key vocabulary words and phrases related to the topic of the reading passages. This list helps students expand their vocabulary and build a stronger foundation for future reading and language learning.
5. 120-word limit: The reading passages are designed to be concise, with a word limit of 120 words. This helps students practice their reading comprehension in a shorter format, encouraging them to extract key information and main ideas efficiently.

Bricks Easy Listening 100. 1, 사회평론

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